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The Week Ahead

30 Sep 2022



Senior School Matters


If you have heard me speak about our work at Wellington College International Hangzhou over the past year, you will know that I am passionately committed to building the international school of first choice in Hangzhou, offering world-class education for your children.  


As sophisticated and knowledgeable parents, you will no doubt look for other data points to triangulate my claims. The second of these data points arrived this summer in the form of truly excellent IGCSE results, both across our Hangzhou campus and also at our sister schools throughout China, cementing our position as one of the leading families of schools in the region. 


The final evidence you will seek is external validation to see if others agree with me about the quality of a Wellington education. We successfully became a FOBISIA member school last year, FOBISIA being known as a group of elite international schools around Asia, united in offering excellent British education overseas. 

This week, we are participating in the first stage of our COBIS (Council of British International Schools) compliance and accreditation visits. COBIS is a globally renowned organisation, accrediting only the best British international schools around the globe. The preparation and work that has prepared us for COBIS have been significant. This week’s virtual accreditation visit has been rewarding yet rigorous, far-reaching and in-depth. To be a COBIS member is to be recognised as meeting a set of high standards and expectations, a globally recognised badge of quality.  


Although not secured yet, I am quietly confident that we will achieve full COBIS accreditation this year, confirming Wellington College International Hangzhou as an outstanding school; and elevating our reputation across the globe as a provider of simply the best in British style education. 


Stewart Brown

Head of Senior School



Sixth Form Matters



We are in a privileged position that, over the coming week, a plethora of higher education events will be available to our pupils. Being a member of COBIS (Council of British International Schools) allows our pupils to benefit from events such as the Higher Education week (3-7 October) run by The University Guys, an organisation run by university specialists supporting young adults with their applications. Pupils will be able to attend webinars based on various courses and destinations, as well as a university fair with over 30 top institutions from all over the world, including Imperial College London and the University of Notre Dame. Pupils will meet with representatives and learn more about each university’s courses, accommodations and student life. It is a wonderful opportunity to research future pathways and discover new options. Please click here to sign up.



Upcoming Events


 Please click here for details.


Hatty Leung 

Head of Sixth Form 


Primary School Matters



From Friday, 23 to Saturday, 24 September, WCIH hosted Camp Wellington, our annual on-site camping residential for all Year 5 and Year 6 pupils. WCIH invited The Learning Adventure company, in conjunction with Year 5 and Year 6 WCIH teachers and TAs, to lead the residential. 


Pupils spent two days completing a range of thrilling activities, including setting up their camp and tents, creating and launching water rockets, making tie-dye t-shirts, a trivia clash, a night–time reconnaissance game, an assault course, tug of war, capture the flag, a kickball tournament and finally a closing ceremony. 


After a day of exciting events, pupils enjoyed a relaxing BBQ with friends outdoors. We rounded the evening off with hot chocolate, biscuits, and traditional camp songs before returning to our tents. Again, pupils had the opportunity to camp with friends in the safety of the WCIH campus.


The residential was a fantastic opportunity for pupils to develop their independence as, for many, it was their first time spending the night away from home.


Aaron Gilloway

Assistant Head of Primary (Year 4-Year 6)



Library Matters



With the October national holiday upon us, I want to take a moment to remind parents that there are eBooks and digital magazines available in the eLibrary.  


EBSCO eBooks


Our EBSCO eBooks resources are available both in a browser and through the EBSCO app. EBSCO K-8 eBooks are perfect for many of our pupils looking for information books. EBSCO also has some fiction titles available. More information can be found here



Flipster Digital Magazines 


We now have ninety-one magazines available through Flipster Digital Magazines. These range from titles for younger pupils to literature and current affairs magazines for older pupils. Like EBSCO eBooks, these can be accessed in a browser or app. More information can be found here.  




Follett eBooks 


This year, we are introducing eBooks on the Follett platform. These are books picked specifically for our pupils and are available through Follett Destiny (our library catalogue system). Current titles include many of our Panda Award nominees. You can access the Follett Destiny platform here




Accessing eBooks and digital magazines 


When accessing EBSCO and Flipster through a browser, the pupils can log in with their school email and password. When using the app, there is a shared password, which is available from the eLibrary password file here. Pupils must use their school email and password to access the file.


Pupils have access to their Follett accounts, and Follett eBooks, using their school email and password. More details can be found here


Bronwen Duffield 

Head Librarian


Performing Arts Matters



This year, we offer our pupils more opportunities to perform and share their skills and talents with our school community. We celebrate the passion for performing arts and the time invested by pupils, parents and teachers. 


As the Golden Week approaches, I want to encourage our pupils to listen to music that inspires and promotes values like respect, kindness, and courage. So during these National Holidays, take a moment to enjoy the benefits of singing songs, new and old, or playing a musical instrument. It would bring happiness to you and those around you.


We are delighted to announce the following upcoming events after the National Holiday:

  • Wellington College International Hangzhou Pianist of the Year
  • Year 1 – 3 Carol Concert
  • Year 4 – 10 Winter Gala
  • Winter Fair 

Furthermore, please note that our outstanding WCIH Choir will sing at the Grand Hyatt hotel and Naked Stables hotel towards the end of the year. 


Once again, the performing arts department thanks you for your continued support in everything we do with our pupils. Together, we shine.


Alejandro Montoya

Director of Performing Arts



Sport Matters


 Fixture results 


Nathan Witter   

Director of Sports



DukeBox Matters



Please click here to tune into our Dukebox radio to enjoy various weekly shows.   


Listen from 9:00am-12:00am every weekday for “Marty James Morning Show”, “The big yellow bus show” at 6:00am, Baz’s Motown Classics at 18:00pm, Dukebox Best Ever Song Show at 20:00 and the Rock Show at 22:00. 

Full Schedule here.


If you miss any of the live shows as you can access them all on our exclusive "Catch Up" service. Click on the date and time of the show and “Listen Again”.  


Please look at the wonderful content created by our pupils and staff in our podcast section.


This content can also be found on our dedicated app. 

  • For Android users, please click here
  • For Apple users, please search Dukebox in the apple store. Link is here.

Martin Bailey

Dukebox Presenter




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