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Celebrating the Journey: Year 6 Graduation at WCIH

05 Jul 2024


As the academic year draws to a close, we at Wellington International School Hangzhou take immense pride in celebrating our Year 6 pupils' incredible journey through Primary school. Their recent graduation marks not just the end of a chapter but the beginning of an exciting new phase as they transition to Senior school. This year has been nothing short of extraordinary, filled with remarkable achievements, memorable adventures, and the embodiment of our core values: Kindness, Courage, Integrity, Respect, and Responsibility.





Highlights of an

Unforgettable Year




Qiandaohu Residential Trip


One of the standout experiences for our Year 6 pupils was their residential trip to Qiandaohu. Over four nights and three days, our pupils immersed themselves in outdoor activities that fostered team spirit and camaraderie. From hiking through scenic trails to enjoying lakeside activities, the trip perfectly blended adventure and learning, offering pupils invaluable life skills and unforgettable memories.



Engaging School Trips


The academic year wasfurther enriched with three captivating school trips. Our visits to theZhejiang Science and Technology Museum and the Zhejiang Natural History Museum broughtscience and history lessons to life, igniting curiosity and a love forlearning. The trip to the local theme park was a joyous occasion, allowingpupils to bond and enjoy a day of fun and relaxation after completing their KS2SATs examinations.



End of Unit Celebration: The Mayan Museum


Our End-of-Unit Celebration saw the creation of a fascinating Mayan Museum. Our pupils' dedication and creativity in bringing ancient history to vibrant life were commendable. This project not only showcased their academic prowess but also their ability to work collaboratively, think critically, and demonstrate their oracy skills.



Sports Day


Sports day was a roaring success, filled with enthusiasm and team spirit. Every pupil participated with vigour, embodying our school's value of Courage. It was a day of friendly competition where sportsmanship and teamwork shone brightly.



Theatrical Performances


Our budding thespians brought literature to life by performing scenes from their class texts, including an exceptionally memorable rendition of Frankenstein. These performances provided a platform for pupils to express themselves creatively and confidently, highlighting their growth in both academics and the arts.



Academic Competitions


Participation in theTimes Tables Rock Stars competition and the Spelling Bee was a testament to ourpupils' dedication and academic excellence. We are incredibly proud of the twopupils who advanced to the Spelling Bee national final in Beijing, showcasingtheir knowledge and competitive spirit.



Leadership Development and House System


Our Year 6 pupils have also thrived within the framework of our House system and through various leadership opportunities. House Captains enjoyed the unique experience of interacting with their counterparts from Wellington UK, sharing ideas, and fostering international camaraderie. Many pupils stepped up as junior librarians, ensuring our library was a welcoming and organised space for all pupils in Wellington. Others became playground leaders, exemplifying Responsibility and Kindness by helping to create a joyful and safe environment for all pupils. Additionally, their organisation of a winter toy drive demonstrated a deep commitment to community service and Integrity, embodying the essence of our school values.



Holistic Development and Core Values


Throughout the year, our Year 6 pupils have not only excelled academically but have also grown pastorally. They have demonstrated Kindness in their interactions, shown Courage in facing new challenges, upheld Integrity in their actions, treated everyone with Respect, and taken Responsibility for their learning and behaviour. These values will continue to guide them as they move into Senior school and beyond, helping them fully embody our Be You, Be More mantra.



Looking Ahead to Senior School


As our Year 6 pupils step into the world of Senior school, we wish them the best of luck. Their time at Wellington International School Hangzhou Primary has equipped them with a solid academic foundation, a deep sense of our core values, and the resilience to tackle future challenges. We are confident that their future holds great promise, and we look forward to seeing them flourish in the years to come.


Congratulations to our Year 6 graduates. May your journey ahead be as remarkable and fulfilling as your time here has been. The whole Wellington International School Hangzhou community is incredibly proud of you!


For further details and updates, or to have your child start their journey at Wellington College International Hangzhou, please visit our website or contact the school admissions team.


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