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Why Primary Playtime is Essential for Children's Development

17 May 2024






At WCIH Primary, playtime is not just a chance for children to take a pause from their studies; it is an indispensable opportunity for them to develop essential skills like socialisation, teamwork, and motor skills. The specially trained playground leaders organise activities on their specially designed playground to encourage pupils' development. They also offer quieter activities and areas to help develop other essential skills. 



At WCIH Primary, our dedicated and specially trained playground leaders from Years 1 to 6 organise games, play with children who are looking for someone to play with, and model excellent behaviour on the playground. 




At WCIH Primary, we understand the importance of developing gross motor skills in young children. That is why we have two excellent climbing frames on our playground for children to explore, engage with, and develop their gross motor skills. There is also a basketball court where our PE team and pupil leaders organise games for the children to play. We have recently launched a basketball competition every Wednesday and Thursday at lunchtime that children can take part in to have some fun while developing their skills! 




For children who prefer quieter activities, our library is open during playtimes for them to read in a relaxed and peaceful environment. In addition to this, we also encourage children to take part in games and activities that help develop their social skills. Each term, different pupils from each year group are selected to take part in art workshops at lunchtime, and the music room is also open every day for pupils to practise in. 




What sets our playground apart from others is that it was designed by our school council, who chose the play equipment they wanted, including balls and skipping ropes. They were also instrumental in training our playtime leaders, making our playtimes fun, educational, and well-organised. 




At WCIH Primary, we believe in educating the whole child, and our playtimes reflect this belief. They are not just a break from the classroom; they are an opportunity for your child to develop valuable skills while having fun. 



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