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The Week Ahead

24 Jun 2022












The number of lectures and tutorials per week




Senior School Matters



A year of academic excellence 

We have been busily analysing the results of the recent end-of-term exams and GL progress tests which have been sat recently, both of which help us measure your children’s achievement over the year. So today, I am glad to share some of the highlights of our pupil performance with you.  

Our pupils are a gifted bunch when it comes to their mathematical ability. Almost all pupils in the Senior School are securing expected achievement compared to UK school pupils, with a fantastic 74% currently achieving at better-than-expected levels, meaning that the majority of our pupils are performing better than their UK peers; this is a delightful statistic.  

Yes, but what about English? Also pleasing I am glad to report, 90% of our pupils are at least in line with their UK counterparts, with an impressive almost 50% achieving higher than UK school pupils. Contextually for a school where the majority of our cohort are not English first language speakers, this is a glorious reflection of the hard work of our pupils plus the great work of their excellent teachers – both of which are hallmarks of the high-quality education that pupils receive at Wellington College International Hangzhou.   

Science results are equally pleasing, with pupils reaching or exceeding their target for the year as the norm, with 66% of our cohort across all year groups making above-expected progress and 68% making at least one grade of improvement over the course of the year. Our Chinese Department is no slouch either – 95% of our pupils have made at least one grade of progress over the past year, with Chinese being the highest performing Year 10 mock examination average result.  


These statistics are not isolated occurrences or fortuitous one-offs. The year-on-year trend from the GL progress tests is excellent across all core subjects. Our results show that almost every pupil makes at least expected progress, with the norm being for the majority of our pupils in all year groups to make better than expected progress from the same point in previous years. Compared to our teacher-assessed baselines, about half of our pupil cohort have increased by at least one grade in a year with us, and almost 25% have secured two grades of improvement in the core subjects. These statistics are fantastic and indicative of our growth as a school and more positive steps on our journey to becoming the international school of first choice in Hangzhou.  

As you can probably tell, I am over the moon about this data and what it means for our entire community. We wait with excitement to receive the school’s first set of early entry IGCSE Mathematics results in August, and then we are into our first cohort of Year 11, and a full set of IGCSE results in the following summer. Building on the impressive work which is taking place in our Primary school, the excellent progress and pleasing achievement that our pupils are already making gives me supreme confidence that the IGCSE results will be worth celebrating, showing with absolute clarity that we add value and deliver a truly world-class education for our community.

Stewart Brown

Head of Senior School



Sixth Form Matters




The end of the academic year has almost arrived, and alongside tying up loose ends, we are also preparing for our first A Level cohort. We will be hosting our A Level Induction for pupils and parents next week and introducing them to the Wellington College Hangzhou Sixth Form life. To reflect the pupils' growing maturity and recognise their different needs, they will be granted privileges. One of which is the Sixth Form Centre. Last week, I wrote about building a 'home' for the pupils, and this is certainly beginning to take shape.


Pupils will have a space to relax




There will be a library for pupils to indulge their academic curiosities



Pupils will have areas to complete independent and group studies




However, a house is not a home until we have life in it, and I, for one, cannot wait for our pupils' Sixth Form lives to begin in our new home.


Upcoming Events



Navigating university admissions with a project qualification


A webinar for students interested in the benefits of completing a project qualification



13 July 2022



6pm (BST)





Virtual Creative Workshops



Our international team and creative tutors will be hosting a series of virtual creative workshops in 2022. These interactive and engaging sessions will include practical workshops and art demonstrations to inspire you and a chance to ask questions or gain feedback on your artwork. Open to all, they are aimed at pupils, educators, and anyone interested in developing their creative skills.


To join one of the 2022 workshops, click the links below to learn more and register.



Colour – Your Personal Voice

  • Professor Xavier Pick

  • 6 July 2022

  • 10.00am

  • sign up here: http://surl.li/btndu



The Magical Banyan Book Tree

  • Professor Xavier Pick

  • 3 August 2022

  • 10.00am

  • sign up here: http://surl.li/btnea


Hatty Leung

Head of Sixth Form




Primary School Matters



With the summer holidays fast approaching, children will have more free time to spend with friends, family and online. For some, this will be spent using the internet to keep in touch with friends, complete the summer transition school work, catch up with the latest apps and online trends, and play their favourite games. 


At Wellington College International Hangzhou, we want pupils to enjoy this time and stay safe. Please see below for some valuable tips from Childnet on navigating online time safely, as well as our list of recommended e-safety websites. 

Sit down together - For parents, the summer holidays are a great chance to sit down with your children. Together you can visit their favourite sites and play their favourite games. This is a great way to stay updated with online lives and show them that you are interested in what they are doing.

Social media and staying in touch - During the summer holidays, young people may want to keep in touch with their friends through social networking sites or games. It’s an excellent time to ask them about what sites they use and check any age requirements, as many social media sites require users to be at least 13 years old. 

Talking about their time online - The holidays are also an excellent opportunity to speak to your children about their online friendships and the sites they use and encourage best practices online. 

Sharing holiday pictures - Some children may want to share photos and videos of what they are getting up to in their summer holidays online. Talk to your children about what photos are appropriate to share and who they are okay to share with.

Make a family agreement - A family agreement is a great way to start a conversation with your whole family about how you all use the internet and how to behave positively when online at home, school or at a friend’s house. Please click the link to view the family agreement:


Recommended website:

How to talk about staying safe online with your child: 



Ms Megan Gallacher and Ms Catherine Paradine

Assistant Heads of Primary School



Academic Excellence 



The London Academy of Music & Dramatic Art is an awarding organisation, which offers world-renowned qualifications in communication and performance through examinations in drama, literature, and poetry.

Wellington College International Hangzhou is honoured to participate in such events and wishes to congratulate the pupils for stepping into their next level in the LAMDA examinations.

During the LAMDA SA, we select the poems together, research the poet and the background and try to understand the emotions behind the words. They have been practicing the poems with each other as well as to present the poem on the camera. It was a great time to improve their English and understand the literature.

We look forward to seeing their further achievements!

Feiyuan Wang

Teaching Assistant




Library Matters




I am excited to announce that our pupils will participate in the Panda Book Awards next year. This is an annual award for books that have been recently published. 


“Titles are chosen for the shortlists of the Panda Book Award meet selection criteria that focus on social justice, diversity and inclusion by up-and-coming authors and illustrators from across the world. In addition, there is an added spotlight on titles that feature Asian settings, characters or creators.” 

- Panda Book Award Steering Committee

There are seven categories in total, each of which focuses on different ages:

  • Early Years Readers (3-5 years) - picture books

  • Young Readers (5-8 years) – picture books 

  • Middle Readers (7 to 10 years) – chapter books 

  • Elementary School Graphic Novels

  • Older Readers (11 to 14 years) 

  • Mature Readers (15 to 18 years) 

  • Middle/High School Graphic Novels

Pupils may read from categories with which they are comfortable. This is especially useful if they are close to the border of an age category. From September to January of the next academic year, pupils will participate in discussions and activities connected with the books. Then, after Spring Festival 2023, we will join schools all over China to vote for our favourites.

The more pupils read the books, the more fun we can have during the process. Our official summer reading activities will be announced next week, but the Panda Award nominations are an excellent place to start when looking for book suggestions. Many of the books will soon be available as eBooks through Follett Destiny, and some are already in stock in our libraries, with additional copies arriving during the summer. If you want to purchase copies for your children, Obidos is the main stockist of the award books, and you can pre-order titles by scanning the QR code below.



More information about the Panda Awards, including how to read eBooks through Follett Destiny, can be found by scanning the QR code below.




Bronwen Duffield

Head Librarian



Sport Matters



This week our pupils have been preparing themselves for the sporting trials taking place next week. The pupils have signed up for the sports they would like to try, and successful participants will be selected to train in teams in the new school year. Coaches have been given specific standards of play the participants should demonstrate to be chosen. Players selected will either join one of two teams, an ‘A’ team – consisting of the more experienced players or a ‘B’ team of developing players. All teams will practice in the Wellington school activities program, coached by some of the school’s most knowledgeable and skilful athletes. Both A and B teams will compete against other schools in fixtures throughout the year, showcasing our school’s amazingly talented pupils.

Timothy Schulze

Head of PE



Performing Arts Matters



Seussical Jr. The Musical has been a rewarding, fun and meaningful experience for our pupils and Wellington College Hangzhou to be involved. We are proud to join our Hiba and International school children and staff for this musical production. Furthermore, having a show of this calibre at our school allows our community to watch excellent skills from our learners. 

We are incredibly proud of the hard work and commitment from the children in the cast, their parents' unconditional support, the help and assistance from Friends of Hiba and the passion from the Performing Arts Department across the Wellington College Hangzhou campus. 

For the parents with children in the production, we are ecstatic to welcome you to our performances on Saturday, 25 June. Please refer to your email for information regarding the tickets.

Alejandro Montoya

Director of Performing Arts



Dukebox Matters



Dukebox radio




Catch Up




Martin Bailey

Dukebox Presenter









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