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Core is Key | IGCSE: Chinese

07 Mar 2022


IGCSE Chinese during Year 10 and Year 11 is split into three pathways. Some pupils will follow Mandarin as a foreign language; other pupils will look at Chinese as a second language and the third group will take Chinese as a first language in which they will study literature and classical Chinese alongside their Chinese language qualification. 

Our Mandarin-foreign language qualification is an international qualification offered for non-native/non-heritage pupils through the Cambridge examination board. This qualification is aimed at forming a sound base of the skills, language and attitudes required for progression to work or further study, either in the target language or another subject area.



For those who are heritage or non-heritage pupils who have been living in a Mandarin speaking community for a long time, they will undertake Chinese as a second language qualification. These pupils are able to carry out communication tasks that are age- appropriate but may not be fully functional in their literacy skills. This qualification is aimed at forming a sound foundation for the skills required for further study or employment using Chinese as the medium.



Finally, Chinese as first language is designed for pupils whose mother tongue is Chinese. Pupils are also encouraged to read widely, including classical texts, both for their own enjoyment and to further their awareness of the ways in which Chinese can be used. The focus for pupils is to further develop their skills of analysis and evaluation using a variety of Chinese literary texts, and to develop their practical and creative writing skills. The aim is to deepen their understanding and appreciation of Chinese culture and classical texts.


Our three Chinese pathways will undoubtably prepare all pupils for life, helping them to develop an informed curiosity and a lasting passion for learning. Our programmes balance a thorough knowledge and understanding of the subject and help to develop the skills pupils need for their next steps in education or employment.

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