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100% A* IGCSE Maths & Spanish Results for Hiba Academy Hangzhou

21 Jan 2022


Hiba Academy Hangzhou is celebrating after all its pupils that sat IGCSE maths and Spanish examinations in November 2021 achieved the top grades. Their achievements will inspire other pupils who are about to embark on their IGCSE journeys and set the bar for others taking their examinations later this year.



IGCSEs are the gold standard qualification for 14 to 16 year olds and are recognised by leading universities and colleges worldwide. These exceptional results are a testament to talented students, dedicated teachers and supportive parents at Wellington College Hangzhou. They reflect the high standards set by all Wellington College schools and mark the beginning of a future legacy of academic excellence at Wellington College Hangzhou.


Catherine Rakotondradano

IGCSE Spanish Teacher

I am very pleased to announce the outstanding A* Jack has achieved in his Spanish IGCSE examinations. His hard work and dedication to his studies throughout his time at Wellington has shone through, allowing him to reach a high 99% total mark. I look forward to seeing more results in languages.


Bradley Dennon

IGCSE Mathematics Teacher

I am incredibly proud of my pupils’ results. They deserve top marks just for the amount of effort, dedication and passion they have shown in every lesson. Alongside this they continue to display our values and have been excellent friends to each other throughout the time I have taught them, helping one another to improve every day. Congratulations to all of you.



Although I expected to achieve an A*, I was still very excited when I got the result. I believe there are two key aspects to learning maths – 1. Deep understanding of the contents and building your system to understand the knowledge. 2. Input and output of the knowledge, which means communicating and discussing maths problems with peers. In communicating mathematically with others, I can deepen my understanding.


My excellent result in IGCSE Maths is achieved by my hard work and interest in maths as a subject. I am very proud of myself. I need to discuss maths problems with my teachers and my classmates. I received both knowledge and friendship from it. Meanwhile, I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to my maths teachers for their continuous support and encouragement. I also would like to recognise myself for my persistence in maths learning. It is all of these qualities that led me to success.  

We look forward to other pupils sitting in IGCSE assessments achieving excellent results later this year. 

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