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What the Sixth Form at Wellington College Hangzhou has to offer

29 Sep 2021


At Wellington College Hangzhou Sixth Form we are proud to offer the highly regarded A Level (Advanced Level) academic programme, which is an English qualification that is recognised across the globe for being excellent preparation for university. Pupils will choose three subjects to study over the two years, from the age of 16 to 18. As there are no compulsory subjects, pupils are encouraged to choose their academic passions. With only three subjects to study, learners become specialists in these areas as they cover each in far greater depth than a broader curriculum would allow.



We recognise the increase in challenge for pupils progressing from the IGCSE to the A Level programme and therefore support our pupils by increasing the number of teaching hours per week, from 4.5 (as recommended by examination boards) to 6. This 331/3% increase in teaching time allows pupils to fully understand course content and consolidate their learning, but more importantly provides the luxury to follow pupil led tangents in class. For example, if an individual asks about black holes or how pandemics affect the economy, teachers and pupils have time to explore and research these ideas without feeling rushed.


All our teachers are subject specialists and outstanding classroom practitioners. They have been employed for their infectious passions for their areas and their ability to scaffold their teaching so all pupils can access, understand and love their subjects too. Our teachers are highly trained to differentiate their tasks so that all learners are challenged throughout every lesson. They set homework frequently to support the classroom learning and provide clear regular feedback, so pupils always know how to improve. In addition to classroom support, pupils can arrange to meet their teachers outside of lessons for further help. This many pronged approach to support learning helps pupils to make excellent progress.


One of the many advantages of studying the A Level programme is that there is flexibility in pupils’ timetables to pursue other interests and courses. These include: Wellbeing, IELTS/TOEFL, University preparation, Physical Education and School Activities.




Our sister school in England was the first school in the UK to introduce a taught course in happiness and wellbeing in 2006. This course is fully embraced in our Sixth Form and we wholeheartedly believe in empowering pupils to nurture their mental health. Our philosophy is simple: instead of focusing on disaster prevention, as so many courses do, we strive to educate about how our pupils might capitalise upon their human resources in order to make the best of their potential.





With many of our individuals wishing to study in the UK and USA we also offer a choice between studying for the IELTS or TOEFL course. During the first year of A Levels, pupils will study for their English level qualification and a specialist teacher will deliver the course over 4 hours a week.





University Preparation


The world of higher education can be a mystery to high school pupils, especially when the desired institutions are abroad. The pathway to university is a high priority for us, so much so that it is a taught formally from the age of 14. Pupils will learn about different university systems, entry requirements and student life, as well as receiving one-to-one guidance on how to choose a suitable course and step by step support with the application process.



Physical Education


Our pupils will have Physical Education as a formal lesson in their timetables and have access to our brand-new Fitness Suite during their non-contact study periods. Pupils will be able to relax and maintain their fitness at their own pace using our state-of-the-art equipment.



School Activities (SAs)


Learning is not just what happens in classrooms, there are opportunities to learn and develop new skills in many different forms. Our comprehensive SA programme includes a vast range of interests such as competitive sports, flower arranging, yoga and public speaking. There is certainly something for everyone. This is a fantastic way to relax and pursue one’s interests as well as build a pupil profile for university applications.


To help our pupils learn more about universities and careers, we have a bespoke external speakers programme. Past and present university students share their experiences about their academic lives and our pupils are free to ask questions such as “which subjects did you study at A Level?” and “what is the food like at university?”. Pupils are also able to sign up to webinars run by prestigious UK university lecturers to gain a taste of higher education.



Pupils also have the option to study for their SATs (Scholastic Aptitude Test) for American university entry with A List China through our Academy programme. They have years of experience assisting pupils with these assessments and had huge success with pupils from our sister school in Shanghai.


Life at Wellington College Hangzhou Sixth Form is certainly busy but very engaging and rewarding. Our pupils are challenged and extended to reach their potential. The opportunities are plentiful and eye-opening. The academic support and scope for personal development are second to none. Our pupils will undoubtedly graduate as worldly, well-prepared and independent lifelong learners.


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