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The Week Ahead

24 Sep 2021

Senior School Matters

We are an internationally minded school, committed to ensuring that our pupils gain competence, confidence and cultural awareness in English and Chinese together.  Wellington College International Hangzhou values Chinese as a core IGCSE subject, alongside English, Maths and Science, with Primary pupils studying Chinese daily and Senior pupils with four lessons per week. Our pupils will all take IGCSE Chinese examinations at the end of Year 11. We offer Cambridge International courses which are well known for their quality and strength. Our pupils learn in streamed native and non-native classes with teaching supported by first language Teaching Assistants.

Our Chinese language teachers team

From left to right: 

Ms. Song, Ms. Wang, Ms. Li, Ms. Zhang

We are privileged to have an excellent team of professional and internationally experienced Chinese teachers, each with Masters degrees, years of teaching experience and a fantastic track record of examination results. As Head of Chinese, I have led programmes in prestigious British schools in the UK, Singapore, and Malaysia. Nana Zhang is a published author of the IGCSE 1st language Classical Chinese. Christy Wang is a founding member of the school, joining in 2018. Li Song is also the House Master for Murray House. We are committed to world class Chinese learning for our pupils, with the ambition that they achieve academic excellence and flourish in their next steps, whether in China or beyond.

Nina Li

Head of Chinese

Sixth Form Matters

Planning to study abroad can be a daunting task. There are lots of questions to consider such as:


Which country do I want to study in? 


Do I want to study at a city or country based university?


Would I be happier at a large or small university? 


How many lectures will I have per week? 


What is a lecture like?  


What support is available for international students?

We are privileged to have access to a series of webinars run by the British Council where lecturers are providing high school students a taste of studying at university. The featured lecturer next Tuesday is Dr. Aneta Hayes from Keele University. She will be addressing the idea of ‘identity’ and ‘multiple self’. Growing up in one country with the aim to study abroad and possibly making more international moves is a path that many of our pupils will follow. The idea that we only identify with one location is becoming less common. All pupils from Wellington College Hangzhou are welcome to attend the webinar and explore the idea that identity is fluid and changing. 

The event will run online at 7.00pm, please scan the QR code to sign up. 

Hatty Leung

Head of Sixth Form

Primary School Matters

At Wellington College International Hangzhou, we believe in a ‘whole’ education for our pupils. This includes studying both the formal and the wider curriculum. It also involves knowing the ‘whole’ of our pupils, including both their personal and academic potential. 

We invest time and money into our assessment and tracking systems to ensure that we can track the progress of our pupils through the Primary school and that the information is cohesive as pupils move into the senior school.  

We look at the progress of our pupils in the following ways: 


Classroom teachers look at the progress of pupils in the core curriculum areas such as Maths and English.


Specialist teachers, such as PE and Drama, look at the progress of pupils in their subject.


The Learning Support team, looking at the progress of pupils in each year group.


The school leadership support and challenge teachers to ensure pupils are on track to meet challenging targets.


The GL CAT4 assessment provides a robust, standardised assessment of reasoning ability. It identifies where a pupil’s real strengths lie, free from the constraint of the curriculum and unencumbered by learning barriers. 

Over the past two weeks, pupils have sat the GL CAT4 assessments, and the teachers have worked in collaboration with the school leadership to understand pupils needs, how they will adapt their teaching to get the best out of our learners and set challenging targets. 

As a result of our excellent use of GL assessment data, WCIH has successfully paired as a ‘Assessment Centre of Excellence’ with GL Education. WCIH is one of four schools worldwide with this top tier, elite partnership and the only one in China to hold this level with GL Education. Expect our school to be at the cutting edge of research and best practice.  

Pupils sit the CAT4 assessment in Year 3 and 5, and or as part of the admission process.  If your child sat the CAT4 this academic year, the report will be sent on 15 October and an optional CAT4 parent workshop will be held on 18 October.

Matthew Coleman

Head of Primary School

Sport Matters

In PE lessons this week primary pupils practiced for the upcoming Sports Day. These events include not only athletics but also many of the fundamental movement skills required to play competitive sports, including the broad jump, throwing for distance, throwing for accuracy and novelty relays such as the three-legged race and sack race. The children enjoyed challenging themselves, and each other, whilst developing the fundamental movement skills and having great fun.

This week several fixtures took place at Wellington College Hangzhou (WCH). The first was the WCH U12 tag rugby team competing against Basis school. This was their first fixture of the season. The score ended 8-8, both the coaches and team players identified areas for improvement for future games.  

On Thursday the WCH U14 girls football team competed against local school Gua Li. The girls played incredibly well and the final score was a 2-1 win. This was a great result and puts the team in a positive position for their upcoming tournament in October. 

On Saturday we will see the first swim meet of the year take place against Hangzhou International School. A detailed report will follow next week.

Nathan Witter

Director of Sport

Timothy Schulze

Head of PE

Upcoming Events

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