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In the bright afternoon sun and cooling breeze on 1st June, Wellington College Hangzhou was transformed into a lively place, buzzing with music, laughter, and joy. 


It was WCCH's 2024 Summer Carnival and Sea Turtle Music Festival. The event was a fantastic celebration where over 5,000 old and young visitors enjoyed an array of music, performances, delicious cuisine, sporty games, and a grand fair, all woven into a single enchanting experience. 




As a tradition of Wellington College Hangzhou, our Summer Carnival, typically held in late May or early June each year, is also one of the annual landmark events of the Hangzhou international community. This year marked a pioneering fusion of the Summer Carnival with the Sea Turtle Music Festival; it is also the first time that Transfar Innovation Polis have come to  Overseas Returnees Town for our Summer Carnival. 




This event was hosted by Wellington College Hangzhou and supported by the Xiaoshan Economic and Technological Development Zone, the Jiangnan Innovation Polis Bureau, and the Transfar Group. It was designed to offer pupils a professional platform to display their skills while also enhancing the  brand impacts of Transfar Innovation Polis and Wellington College Hangzhou, with the aim of drawing in more talent to explore and select Transfar Innovation Polis as their preferred destination for living, working, and investing. This, in turn, would increase the prosperity of the Wellington community and its neighbouring regions. 




 A feast for the ears. 

We sang into the night. 


Music was the soul of the Summer Carnival this year. The bands were playing their music on stage, winning applause for their wonderful singing. Some adults and children danced to the music, while others sat quietly on the grass to listen - everyone immersed in the world of music. 



Amongst the performances of the Summer Carnival & Sea Turtle Music Festival, pupils from Wellington College Hangzhou became shining stars. Supported and arranged by the performing arts department, they brought a series of superb performances to the audience.


A rich tapestry of instruments and voices wove an emotive musical canvas: the lilting bagpipes, the tender piano, the fiery violin and the harmonious choir. The stage was set ablaze with performances that captivated the audience, eliciting thunderous applause for the electrifying music, the soul-stirring African drums, the ferocious rock bands, and the stylish street dance. 









Parents sat leisurely on the grass, enjoying the sunshine, dancing to the melodies, or interacting with the performers on stage. Parents who saw their children on stage were overwhelmed with pride.  




As dusk descended, the Summer Carnival & Sea Turtle Music Festival reached its zenith. Renowned bands such as NANQUANMAMA, The Empty Green and Tigerish Raider graced the stage in succession, each act propelling the atmosphere to soaring heights. Music was the heartbeat of the festival, running through the carnival into the night, and igniting the zeal of the crowd. 









 A delight for the spirit.

Enjoying the many amusements and exciting stalls. 


This year's Summer Carnival featured over ten different and exciting attractions. Children were enthralled by the thrilling urban skiing, classic carousel, football snooker, dunk tank and other fun-filled activities. The block land was a testament to the children's imagination and creativity as they brought their dream castles to life, while the inflatable bouncy slide was the arena where their youthful vigour was fully expressed. These engaging and challenging attractions provided an opportunity for children to embrace their innate joy and immerse themselves in the delight of childhood. 




It is worth mentioning that the "dunk tank" became a focus of the play area as a number of Wellington staff came forward as willing volunteers. They were not afraid of getting wet, they wanted to entertain everyone but more importantly, raise money for charity. Every time the target was hit, they were unceremoniously dropped into the water accompanied by the cheers and applause of the audience. Through their actions, these members of staff showed a great example of their charity, bravery, and dedication to the pupils! Be You, Be Wet!




Beyond the amusements, nearly 50 stalls within the campus enticed visitors to stop, taste, and participate. There were delicious international snacks, exquisite handicrafts, thrilling outdoor games and heartwarming parent-child interactions, all adding to the enjoyment of the event. As one wandered the campus field, familiar figures could be seen as parents of Friends of Wellington were working on several stalls to provide heartwarming support for both adults and children. 



 A delicacy for the palate.

The world is on the tip of the tongue with over 40 gourmet options.  


The food market was undoubtedly a major attraction, drawing in crowds with its dynamic offerings. On the day, ten meticulously curated food stalls came together to present a sensory feast. The PAOMACHANG Sandwich, known for its distinctive texture and elegant presentation, quickly became the go-to choice for food aficionados; the velvety texture and diverse flavours of Gelato Ice Cream left a memorable taste; and Dr. Cheese's selection of cheeses offered a delightful discovery for those with a passion for fromage. From traditional Western fare to the vibrant tastes of Indian cuisine, visitors were dazzled by over forty varieties of both local and international dishes available. 



The allure of these delicacies was so great that the market was bustling with activity, with many parents and children queuing up to taste their favourite dishes. The wait times sometimes approached an hour, yet the enthusiasm and patience of the crowd remained undiminished. All of this was thanks to the food sponsors from the school, who brought not just delicious food but also passion and support for the event. 








As the carnival drew to a successful close, we would like to extend our special thanks to Transfar Group, an important partner of Wellington College Hangzhou, as well as the main sponsors including Golden Mansion, Guiyuan, and Halo Dream Center for their substantial support.  


This year's Summer Carnival & Sea Turtle Music Festival provided a professional stage for pupils to showcase their talents and enhanced the brand influence of Transfar Innovation Polis along with Wellington College Hangzhou. We aim to establish the Sea Turtle Music Festival as a signature event for the region. By integrating various international elements, this event aims to attract numerous talents to explore and choose Transfar Innovation Polis as their preferred location for living, working, and investing, which will also further the prosperity of the Wellington community and its surrounding areas. Let us look forward to next year's Summer Carnival bringing us even more surprises. 











从心,致龙行万里 惠灵顿杭州校区祝大家新春快乐!
从心,致龙行万里 惠灵顿杭州校区祝大家新春快乐!2024-02-08
盼着盼着,兔年蹦跶走了,龙年马上就要来了。 龙,作为十二生肖中的最为独特存在,它融合了鹿的温顺、鳄的坚韧、龟的沉稳、蛇的灵动,以及鱼的自由,这些元素共同构建了它神秘且多元的形象。在中国本土的文化体系中,龙即是祥瑞的化身,亦是想象力和创造力的极致呈现。 那么,在惠灵顿杭州校区学子的笔下,“龙”又会是怎样的形象呢? 在新年到来之际,我们将孩子们亲手绘画的“龙”送给大家,预祝大家龙年大吉、万事如意、好
对于怀揣留学梦想的学子来说,选择一所合适的大学无疑是一项重要而复杂的任务。 面对全球众多知名学府,如何筛选出最适合自己的那一所? 每所大学又有哪些独特的魅力与优势?哪些专业是它们的金字招牌?毕业后的就业前景又将如何? 一切的疑惑,都在本周一下午的惠灵顿杭州校区举办的「中国春季大学展杭州站」 中得到了解答。 来自英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、中国香港等多个国家和地区的87位招生官与杰出校友齐聚一堂
这个六一,惠灵顿杭州校区为大家准备了一场融合了音乐、演出、美食、运动、大型园游会为一体的夏日盛宴,在这里,你可以放下所有包袱,尽享这场限定版的夏日狂欢! 惠灵顿杭州校区夏季嘉年华将充分利用校园内的广阔空间,为儿童和成人提供一系列有趣的亲子游戏、运动、餐饮以及其他丰富多彩娱乐活动。今年更是首次推出晚间音乐节,旨在打造一场具有影响力的杭州大型国际文化盛宴。 我们特邀“西湖音乐节“团队策划音乐节部分,