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Healthy Eating Initiative by WCIH Y3: A Changemaker Journey

14 Jun 2024


We are thrilled to announce that Year Three has embarked on an extraordinary partnership with Wellington's esteemed catering team, SODEXO, to bring a wave of wellness and nutrition to the lunch tables of WCIH! 


For an entire week, our young changemakers joined forces with professional chefs to design a menu of healthy plates, showcasing the importance of a balanced diet and embracing the joy of eating right.  





Why Healthy Eating

Matters More Than Ever


In today's fast-paced world, where convenience often takes precedence over quality, the topic of healthy eating has leapt to the forefront of necessary conversations. Amidst the bustling corridors and lively playgrounds of WCIH, providing nutritious food is more than a choice; it's a commitment to the future health of our pupils. Instilling these values early on empowers our children to make conscious decisions that positively impact their long-term well-being and the environment. 





Crafting Nutritious 

Delights Together


This inspiring collaboration was more than just mixing ingredients; it was a blend of passion, education, and service. Through hands-on experience, the enthusiastic Year Three children learned the art and science of preparing meals that nourish both the body and the mind. From vibrant veggies to protein-packed pulses, each dish was lovingly crafted to promote the well-being of our entire school community. 





A Lesson in

Service Learning


The collaboration with SODEXO was not just about discovering the wonders of wholesome food. It was an immersive experience in service learning, where Year Three pupils grasped the impact of their actions on the community. By contributing to a healthier school, they embraced their roles as changemakers, setting a precedent for a brighter, more sustainable tomorrow. 


Through teamwork, creativity, and a dash of culinary magic, our young learners realised that they have the power to influence real change. This is more than a lesson; this is the heart of being a changemaker. 





Join the Changemaker 



We are incredibly proud of what Year Three and SODEXO have achieved, proving that when it comes to making a difference, age is but a number. We warmly invite you to taste the change at WCIH and see firsthand the power of nutrition. Let us continue to build a culture of health-conscious decision-makers and celebrate the spirit of innovation and service that flows through our halls.  


We are changemakers. Be part of the revolution. Let us eat well and live even better! 






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