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Wellington launches its Scholarship Programme

08 Mar 2024



Over 20 years ago, Wellington College China Founder and Chairman Joy Qiao was awarded the Shuping scholarship. "It changed my life," she recalls. "Shuping gave me the opportunity to attend the University of Oxford. I owe so much of my success in life to them. With our Scholarship Programme, I want to give back, to provide a similar life-changing opportunity for talented young children regardless of their financial situation. I see this as a moral imperative." 




Likewise, Wellington College International Hangzhou's scholarship programme presents talented pupils with a similarly life-changing experience. Our scholarships will open the door to a world where they can learn, explore and achieve great things. 



Scholarships are now open for application for the 2024-25 academic year  


Please kindly note that scholarships are not open for current WCIH pupils. Scholarships for current pupils will be reviewed and determined internally by the school.


Shuping Scholarship



Launched in 2019 by Wellington College China, the Shuping Scholarship is our most generous offering, covering up to 110% of the tuition fee. Founded on the principle that, “what is gained from society should be returned to it,”  this scholarship benefits Chinese pupils from working-class families. 





Academic scholarship, 

Sports or Music scholarship



Our Academic scholarship covers up to 100% of the tuition fee. Its mission is to nurture pupils who exhibit outstanding academic performance, leadership potential and unfailing kindness to their peers. 





This week, we were delighted to invite William, the recipient of our academic scholarship, to share his reflections on winning the award, his academic journey and his advice for fellow pupils striving to attain a scholarship.


We hope that William's account will serve as a source of insight and motivation, encouraging other pupils to actively pursue their academic interests and goals.








How did you feel when you received your academic scholarship? 


The year 2021 is the first year for me to win an academic scholarship. The first emotions that came to my mind were excitement and happiness.  Because winning the scholarship has manifested that my hard work is recognized by the teachers.



How difficult is it to obtain an academic scholarship? 


In my opinion, applying for an academic scholarship is not easy but accessible. As long as you are hardworking, respectful to teachers, self-confident, and showcase Hiba values, you would have the potential to apply for the scholarship.



Who has influenced your academic pursuits the most and why?


The person who influenced me most in my academic pursuits was the last principal of Junior High. I had many one-on-one conversations with her after winning the Student of the Year Award in 7th grade. Whenever I'm confused and perplexed, either about learning or my plan for the future, about universities, about jobs, whatever, she always encourages me to do what I love and what I really enjoy. She once said to me, "William, if you always work hard, follow what you love, and show your kindness, the whole world can be yours. This is what motivates me when I face problems and it has a significant impact on my academic pursuits.



What was the biggest challenge you faced in your academic journey, and how did you overcome it? 


The biggest academic challenge I faced was the first group play that we were going to perform in front of the audience in my Drama IGCSE course. Although I had done a lot of presentations in front of the audience, I was still quite nervous about performing on stage. My voice trembled when I spoke and my movements were not very natural. But after several practices and building my confidence and self-esteem, I overcame this challenge and now I can perform in front of an audience naturally and vividly.



Do you have any advice for pupils who aspire to attain an academic scholarship like yours in the future? 


I would suggest that you always work hard, this includes paying attention in class and completing each piece of homework carefully. Also, remember to always show kindness and respect to your peers and teachers. These things seem small, but after years or even decades they add up and make up the concept of success in human life, and believe me, this is what I did for the past few years.






Wellington College China scholarships aim to inspire more pupils to realise their potential and share their growth and success with the public. Our Wellington and Hiba pupils, who are well-rounded individuals with solid school values of courage, respect, integrity, kindness and responsibility and skills, will contribute to the communication of East and West and the international community's development. We welcome more outstanding pupils to join our Wellington College China group and become a member of the notable global alumni community of Wellington College. Recent research from Keystone Tutors UK reveals that among the most influential figures in politics, economics, culture, science and technology (i.e. as listed in the data publication Who's Who), 14%  graduated from Wellington College UK and nine other private schools in the UK. 



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