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How Wellington supports the transition from Nursery to Primary

05 May 2022


We all know the feeling of starting something new. It can be times of exciting change, new opportunities and growth for every child. However, it can also be times of uncertainty when surroundings are different and key people are unfamiliar.

Each year, some of our nursery children journey from EY3 at Hiba Academy Hangzhou (HNH) to Year 1 at Wellington College International Hangzhou(WCIH). This is a significant change, so we know that a smooth transition is vital for every child, ensuring they feel safe and secure in their new environment.



Transitions are not overlooked or left to chance; a good transition takes careful thought and thorough planning well in advance. Wellington College International Hangzhou and Hiba Academy Hangzhou have continued to build on our close ties with one another to create a smooth transition plan. This includes numerous opportunities for our children to become familiar with their new learning environment and create and maintain our whole school community. Children respond differently to the prospect of change, and these individual differences should be, and are, reflected in our planned programme for transition. 





Initial steps


Planned learning experiences for our EY3 to Year 1 pupils to take part in alongside our current Year 1 pupils, such as Reading buddies

Community teddy bears picnic, where children will have the chance to talk, get to know one another and share their treasures.

Formal transition days during the summer term where all pupils who are making the transition are invited to attend a series of morning lessons in Year 1 at Wellington College International Hangzhou.

Developing our learning spaces in Year 1. Transition is about the educational setting being well prepared for all children and their needs, not the child preparing to fit into the setting. 


We are committed to ensuring all our children are confident in times of change and look forward to their new class with excitement and enthusiasm for the year ahead. 


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